As the vaccine roll out continues across the country, the State of Georgia has relaxed restrictions in public places with regard to capacity requirements and social distancing measurements (please see Guidance for In-Person Operations at While the Diocesan guidelines for Sunday Mass attendance1 will continue for the time being, all parishes will soon begin implementing the next phase of reopening year: August 9, 2021.
A medida que el despliegue de la vacuna continúa en todo el país, el Estado de Georgia ha reducido las restricciones en lugares públicos con respecto a los requisitos de capacidad y las medidas de distanciamiento social (consulte la Guía para las actividades en persona en Si bien las directrices1 diocesanas para la asistencia a la misa dominical continuarán por el momento, todas las parroquias comenzarán pronto a implementar la siguiente fase de los protocolos de reapertura.
Dear Friends in Christ, As this difficult year winds to a close and even our celebrations of the upcoming holidays stand to be transformed by the pandemic, we must hold fast to the great gift of hope, already given to us by God at our Baptism. Hope keeps us from discouragement, sustains us in hardship, and reminds us that we were created for eternity and life with Christ. While everything around us seems altered and unfamiliar, our faith and our relationship with the Church does not have to change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and we can look to the Sacred Scriptures for continued comfort and for inspiration to sustain and grow in our relationship with Him.